The Table meets in a house. Don't look for a church building!
The Church House is a humble, beautiful and peaceful space. Come to pray, sing, and break bread, as neighbors commune with Jesus.
No one will try to impress you at The Table. You don't need to try and impress anyone here. We are here to share sacred stories and to remember God's promises together.
Come as you are, laughing or crying, burdened or carefree. Thankful or jaded, focused or lost, wealthy or empty-handed, confident or full of doubt.
Just remember, this is a community of transformation.
Remember, The Table meets in a house, not a traditional church building! This makes for a very informal gathering, with flexible seating and a homey-feel.
The church house smells like bread on Sundays! We bake fresh communion loaves every week. Come early to help, and plan to take some home after worship.
The service is traditional, with singing, prayers, scriptures, and a sermon. About an hour long. Most people dress very casually.
Conversation is important to worship at The Table. The pastor asks questions and people engage in dialogue throughout the service.
The Gospel is central, and the Bible is always preached at The Table. But this is fellowship in which people coexist while appreciating their differences in belief, faith heritage, theological convictions and so on. That's conversation is so important.

Kids are essential to the life of this church. Worship gatherings at The Table engage kids and adults together, in prayer, singing and learning.
The nourishment and wisdom of children is as important at The Table as the nourishment and wisdom of adults.
Art stations are always set up on Sundays during church, and those are enjoyed by both kids and adults. There are also plush toys and other activities present for kids in the main worship area.
There is a children's ministry room, in which adult volunteers may lead kids in a fun craft and lesson, but if kids prefer to stay with their parents in the main worship service, that is always fine.